Why Gnosis doesn’t follow the path of vegetarianism

Published On: January 28, 2025Categories: Blog1148 words5.7 min read

The Eternal Common-Cosmic Trogoautoegocrat Law

The Law of Reciprocal Nourishment

In the name of truth, I must state that a great law exists, which can be called the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat law. This law has two fundamental factors: to swallow and to be swallowed—or, the reciprocal nourishment of all organisms. Unquestionably, the bigger fish will always swallow the smaller fish, and in the depths of the jungle, the weaker will succumb before the stronger; thus, this is the law of life.

It does not matter how vegetarian we may be; the truth is that in the black sepulcher, our body will be devoured by maggots, since the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat Law must be fulfilled.

Interdependence of Organisms and Elements

Unquestionably, all organisms live on other organisms. If we descend into the interior of the Earth, we will discover a metal that serves as a gravitational mediator for the evolving and devolving forces of nature; I am emphatically referring to copper (Cu). For example, if we apply the positive factor of electricity to this metal, we can then witness—through the sixth sense—wonderful evolving processes in molecules and atoms. If we apply the negative force, we see the inverse process, similar to the declining humanity of our times. Naturally, the neutral force maintains such a metal in a static or neutral state.

Obviously, the radiation of copper is transmitted to other metals found inside the Earth and vice versa. The emanations of those metals are received by copper, illustrating how metals within the Earth are reciprocally nourished. Behold the law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat.

It is astonishing to know that the radiation of all the metals within the entrails of the Earth is transmitted to other planets in infinite space. Earth’s radiations are captured by the metals located in their interiors, and likewise, the planets radiate energetic undulations that nourish the metals of our planet.

The Cosmic Balance

All worlds are sustained by all other worlds; this is evident and manifest. Thus, the cosmic balance is based upon this law of reciprocal planetary nourishment. This is fascinating, is it not? Yes, it is fascinating to know that by this reciprocal nourishment among the worlds, by one sustaining the other, a wonderful and perfect planetary balance is achieved.

Water, indeed, serves as the basic nourishment for the crystallization of this great law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. Let us consider: what would become of our planet Earth if water were to evaporate and disappear? Obviously, our world would become a great moon, a cosmic corpse, and the great law could not crystallize, since all creatures would perish by starvation.

The Law of Three and Seven

Indeed, this great law functions according to the laws of the Holy Triamazikamno (Holy Three) and the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh (Law of Seven). Let us examine the process of the Holy Triamazikamno: an active principle approaches a passive principle, or, more precisely, the victim (passive principle) is swallowed by the active principle. The active principle is the positive pole, the passive principle is the negative pole, and the principle that conciliates both is the third force, the neutral force.

For example, a tiger swallows a rabbit: the tiger represents Holy Affirmation, the rabbit Holy Negation, and the force that reconciles them is Holy Conciliation. Similarly, the eagle is Holy Affirmation, the chick Holy Negation, and when the eagle swallows the chick, the third force unifies them.

Is this law cruel? It appears so. However, this is the law of the worlds—it has always existed, exists, and will always exist. Law is law, and it is fulfilled regardless of opinions, customs, or concepts.

The Origin of the Law

From where does this law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat originate? It emanates from the omni-penetrating, omniscient, omni-merciful, active Okidanokh.

And from where does the active Okidanokh emanate? Unquestionably, its origin is none other than the Sacred Solar Absolute. The Holy Okidanokh emanates from the Sacred Absolute Sun, yet it does not remain imprisoned within the worlds; rather, for its creative manifestation, it divides into three forces: positive, negative, and neutral.

During the cosmic manifestation, each force operates independently yet remains united with its origin. At the end of the Mahamanvantara, these three forces reunite within the Sacred Solar Absolute.

Vegetarianism and the Law

Thus, when we start from this principle, vegetarianism remains without foundation. Fanatics of vegetarianism have created a kitchen-religion out of it, which is lamentable.

The great Tibetan Masters are not vegetarian. Those who doubt my words can read Beasts, Men, and Gods by a Polish explorer who was welcomed by Tibetan Masters. He observed that beef was a basic food in all their banquets and festivities.

It is absurd to affirm that the great Masters of Tibet are vegetarian. Saint Germain, Prince Rakoczy, a great Master of the White Lodge, was never vegetarian. He was often seen enjoying meals, including chicken meat.

Personal Experience and Conclusion

I was once a vegetarian fanatic. In truth, I became disillusioned with that system. I recall an incident in La Sierra Nevada where I tried to make a dog entirely vegetarian. It learned, adapted, but died shortly thereafter. Later, in El Salvador, I experienced similar symptoms of weakness and nearly collapsed. My spouse, the Master Litelantes, prepared beef for me, which restored my strength. Since then, I have abandoned vegetarian fanaticism.

Here in Mexico, I knew a German vegetarian school director who weakened terribly and died. I also knew Lavahniny, a Yogi and an extreme vegetarian, who similarly became weak and passed away.

Therefore, dear friends and brethren, the great law of the eternal common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat exists, and it is useless to try evading it. This law emanates from the active Okidanokh and cannot be altered.

This does not mean we must consume excessive meat. Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller recommended about 25% meat in our diet, and in this, I agree with Master Huiracocha.

Regardless of how vegetarian we become, the law will be fulfilled. When we enter the grave, maggots will devour our bodies—this is inevitable.

Cows are entirely vegetarian, yet we have never seen an enlightened cow. If avoiding meat led to Self-realization, I would immediately stop eating meat, even if it killed me. But perfection is not attained by dietary choices.

Instead of obsessing over vegetarianism, we should focus on eliminating the bestial aggregates within us—anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, and all other psychological defects. What is important is to die within ourselves, here and now.

This does not mean we should not be mindful of our diet. Pork, for instance, is harmful due to its leprous nature and brutal psyche. Healthy food is essential—cattle meat, chicken—but without excesses.

Thus, dear brothers and sisters, I hope that with these words, you now have sufficient guidance on how to nourish your body in perfect equilibrium

Written by: Samael Aun Weor